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  • Writer's pictureSanjana Mallya

Art Deco District - Oval Maidan Stretch (Reading Histories & Historical Narratives)

The idea of this exercise was to study the structures & activities along the Oval Maidan Art Deco Stretch specifically. This concluded in providing design solutions for active streets and reviving the cultural glory of the Art Deco District.


Art deco sometimes referred to as the Deco, is a style of visual arts, architecture and design that first appeared in France just before World War I.

Art Deco and Mumbai

The Indian Institute of Architects, founded in Bombay in1926 played a prominent role in propagating the Art Deco movement.

The Art Deco movement came to Bombay in the 1930s and continued to be vogue way till 1940s. First-generation Indian architects were drawn to its futuristic and modern look and the availability of new building technology and materials like RCC contributed to an environment for the art deco bloom

Mumbai Art Deco buildings include residential properties, commercial offices, hospitals, and screen movie theatres (including popular Eros and Regal cinema)

The two major stretches of Art Deco can be seen along the Marine drive, Oval Maidan and Sir Ferozshah Mehta Road.

Introduction to Site & Exploration

Aerial Photograph showing Victorian Gothic Stretch & the Art Deco Stretch across the Oval Maidan

Documentation: Mapping Names

Documentation: Mapping Built Character

It is observed here that overall, most of the Art Deco buildings are in a good physical state and only require minor additions. However, just the completion of the minor details will ensure & revive the visual integrity along the stretch.

Documentation: Studying Colour Schemes

Shiv Shanti Bhuvan & Rajjab Mahal are the two buildings in the entire Art Deco stretch that are maintained & monitored. The features are intact and the colours used are bright. The perception of these buildings amongst the community as well as the visitors is, 'Buildings should be painted like this and also must be preserved.

Thus both buildings have higher visual integrity and thus of a greater value amongst the public. Buildings if maintained in a similar manner can revive the streetscape and character of the Art Deco Stretch

Site Section

Transverse Site Section

1 - The Victorian Gothic Stretch displays an opulent & grand architectural style. This dominates the street due to its massiveness. The details & elements include intricate carvings & mouldings. Thus, this is of more importance & of an impressive character amongst the people

2 - Seen as a playground and a pedestrian crossover with multiple activities along its periphery that gather crowds. The opportunity for the stretch is that it can be used as an open viewing zone for both the Art Deco & the Victorian Gothic Stretch.

3 - The Art Deco stretch has been maintained to a great extent. But it is also not visually perceived due to the bland colour palette & plantations in the front.


The intention of the documentation was to interview people from either stretches and comment about the opposite skyline. Even the passersby along the Oval Maidan were interviewed

Distinguishing Miami and Mumbai Art Deco

Issue Identification

1- Trees conceal the details of the buildings affecting their visual appreciation value

2 - The addition of Air conditioning units, service pipelines and electrical conduits tampers the visual integrity of the buildings.

The addition of box grills in some of the buildings & alterations in the window & door details disrupt the aesthetic character of Art Deco.

3- Parking along the road abutting the Art Deco buildings is a spatial issue that increases the pressure of vehicular traffic on the road and is a hindrance for pedestrians.


Proposal: Colour Scheme

The proposed colour scheme includes the use of brighter, yet lighter colour schemes for the background and the use of fresh and darker colour schemes for the elements. The proposed colour shall impose restriction on tones of the colours used, but not on the colours since diversity and association with the society and community can revive the character of the Art Deco stretch

Proposal: Font Style for Buildings

Use of suitable and consistent font style for name-plates of the buildings. Placement of the nameplates to be used on the compound walls with suitable light schemes for highlighting the names

Proposal: Plantation Schemes

This includes planting the trees in between the buildings and not in front of them with its regular maintenance ensured. Native and flowering plants can add to the aesthetic value of the stretch.

Furthermore, flowering creepers on the compound wall with the addition of sport or down lights to increase the aesthetic value.

Proposal: Lighting Scheme

Examples of heritage buildings highlighted with the use of lighting & colour schemes as visual & aesthetic value addition.

1 - Proposing a lighting scheme to highlight the typical and prominent art deco features with use of light scheme for lighter colour buildings and use of white light for buildings with darker colour scheme

2 - The lighting scheme shall apply to the entire stretch that shall revive the character at night and lighten up the entire street stretch with the addition of physical interventions like cafes or benches or sit-outs that shall ensure public engagement with the building

Proposal: Physical Interventions

1 - The lower unoccupied floors of the buildings and their garages can be converted into art galleries, cafes and artefact shops. These interventions shall encourage the footfall of the people within the stretch. It can also be an agent that engages the people with the buildings

2 - These interventions can also be used during art festivals to promote the Art Deco Style as an important part of the heritage precinct in Mumbai and re-establish its popularity amongst the masses

Proposal: Promotion through Art Festivals

The Art Deco style can be promoted by engaging people with the buildings and the streets.

Similar to Kala Ghoda festival, art festivals with a certain theme can be held every year which would increase the popularity of the premises and revive it.

All the work was documented & produced by the Team: Siddhi Joshi, Soumya Kannan, Shamli Salunkhe and Sanjana Mallya


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